Club Captains
Thank you to all of our nominees for Club Captains. We had a great selection of nominees for the positions. Congratulations to Michael Evans (Male Captain) & Bree Khoury (Female Captain) who were elected as Captains for the 2019/2020 season.
I also want to thank Charlie-Rose El Riachi who was a great representative as Female Captain last season. We appreciate all of your hard work over the year Charlie-Rose.
SNSW Senior Metropolitan Championships
Alison Sakurovs is representing our club this morning at this meet. Alison is competing in the Womens Open 50 metres Freestyle. Good luck and may the Whale be with you Alison.
Chocolate Fundraising
Please return any outstanding funds raised to Trish Johnston. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to help sell the chocolates and raise funds for the club.
Christmas Hamper Raffle
As you know we will be holding our Christmas Hamper Raffle again this year and it will be drawn on Saturday 21st December, 2019. We ask if you could please donate non-perishable items from Saturday 7th December, 2019 as these will help us fill the hamper prizes. Tickets are $1 each (books of 10 tickets $10) and are available from today.
Following club races we will be holding novelty events, a breakfast bbq and squad Christmas Party, so please stay around and enjoy these activities.
Squad Training
Training will break from Saturday 21st December, 2019 and resume on Saturday 4th January, 2020. If you plan to be away over December or January please let your coach know. To do this complete the Training Break Form. More details here.
Club Uniform
Our great range of club uniform items are available for sale and these can be sourced through the online shop ( Please see our Property Officer (Margaret Edwards) if you need assistance or have questions about the club uniform items.
Why not join the Club
If you are not already a member, why not join the club as a Non-Swimmer? The Non-Swimmer membership fee is $23. This small fee provides you with the benefits of being a club member including access to the above club member discounted pool entry fees. To apply for membership visit the Membership section.
We still have a couple of roles that we would like some help with. If you are a club member aged 18 or older we would welcome your help with the roles of Learn to Swim Committee Member or Assistant Treasurer.
All these positions have a very small time commitment, but are vital to the smooth running of the club. Please see Graham if you are able to help out.
Timekeepers Course
A final reminder about undertaking the online component of the timekeepers course. We encourage anyone still considering undertaking the course to do so as soon as possible, as we will have the practical assessment completed on a Saturday morning at club races during December. Remember the minimum age is high school student, so we also encourage our Junior members to also obtain their accreditation.
Upcoming Events
MASC 200metre Freestyle (JNR)
Saturday 30th November
NSW Metropolitan Senior C/Ships
Saturday 30th November
Sunday 1st December
MASC 200metre Ind Medley (Open)
Saturday 7th December
Thursday 5th December
Whales Challenge
Saturday 7th December
Thursday 5th December
NSW State Age Senior C/Ships
Friday 13th December
Sunday 15th December
Tuesday 3rd December
MASC 400metre Freestyle (JNR)
Saturday 14th December
Thursday 12th December
NSW State Open & Age Open Water
Friday 20th December
Saturday 21st December
Tuesday 10th December
MASC 800metre Freestyle (Open)
Saturday 21st December
Thursday 19th December
Christmas Break - No Swimming
Saturday 28th December
Whales Tales Online
Do you want the weekly Whales Tales delivered straight to your inbox? Simply sign-up online, and never miss the latest news.
We again thank our major sponsors who provide fantastic support to our club. If you know of a business or organisation who may be interested in providing sponsorship or support to our club please let Graham know.
Member Protection
As a family oriented club we are committed to provide a safe and friendly environment for all of our members. We operate within the boundaries of a range of policies that assist clubs like ours in providing this environment. From time to time we publicise information about these policies and programs available to all members.
Safe Sport Framework
The safety of children and young people in our sport is paramount. We want swimming to be fun, enjoyable and safe for all. The Swimming Australia Safe Sport Framework confirms the shared responsibility we all have for keeping each other safe in swimming - children and adults alike. A copy of the Safe Sport Framework is available on the noticeboard in the club room or can be downloaded at
Shoosh For Kids
Shoosh for Kids is a collaboration between the Office of Sport and Swimming NSW to promote positive behaviour to clubs, members and spectators. See the posters in the club room for more information or visit
Play By The Rules
Play by the Rules provides information, resources, tools and free online training to increase the capacity and capability of administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators to assist them in preventing and dealing with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrity issues in sport. For more information and resources see
Member Protection Information Officer
If you see or hear something that is not appropriate you have the opportunity to raise this with the club. You can either do this by speaking to one of our Club Committee members or raising it with a trained Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO).
An MPIO provides information about the rights, responsibilities and options available to an individual making a complaint in sport. MPIO’s are impartial and don’t mediate or investigate complaints. Graham Edwards and Leanne Tovkach are trained MPIO’s available within our club.
What Can You Do?
To ensure every member is aware of these policies we ask that every parent or carer discuss this with their family. During club events such as club races, squad training and swim meets please ensure all family members remain in appropriate areas. This includes during club races around the 50 metre pool area, particularly near the marshalling area. Children should not be in the club room, change rooms, play areas or other pools whilst club races are being held. This helps ensure all members remain safe and it also assists in the smooth running of the races.