Club Captains
Nominations for the positions of Male and Female Club Captains are open and close this morning at 9.30am. Information about the duties and responsibilities of Club Captains can be found on the club website in the By-Laws. Copies of these are also available to read at the pool.
Please provide your nominations to Graham today.
All financial first claim members can vote for these positions on week 6 (14th November, 2020).
Learn to Swim
The club Learn to Swim program has commenced and concludes on Saturday 12th December 2020. Full details of the program can be found here.
Child lessons: 9.15am – 9.45am
Adult lessons: 10.00am – 10.45am
Club Race Entries
Entries for club races are only accepted online and they close at 8.00pm Thursday. So plan your swims and ensure your entries are completed in time.
The Time Record Sheet is a handy reference to record your swims during the season and a quick reference point to check if you have completed swims to qualify for championship races. You can download the sheet at here.
Club Uniforms
We have a great range of club uniforms available for sale. These can be purchased through the club’s online shop.
Orders are being taken for club hoodies, so if you have any questions about club uniforms please talk to the Property Officer (Margaret Edwards).
Relay Competition
The team relay competition commences this morning. There are a total of 10 relay competition races over the season and points are awarded to teams each week based on how close they swim to their nominated entry time. Before your team swims this morning you need to complete the Team Entry Form AND the Weekly Swimmer Nomination Form.
Team Entry Form
This is a once only form that each team needs to complete to enter their team and nominate their time before the first competition relay swim this week.
Enter your Team
Remember there is a maximum of 6 team members only per team. The cost of team entry is $12 and a link will be emailed to the team to pay this online once the form is completed.
Weekly Swimmer Nominations
This is a weekly form that the team needs to complete before swimming the relay to nominate the 4 team members who will swim that week.
Nominate your Swimmers
Club Championships
Whilst we are not currently able to hold presentations after our club championships, we congratulate all swimmers who competed in the 100m Backstroke Championships last week. The results are available here.
Your Contact Information
Having your contact information is vitally important to ensuring we can quickly contact you if club events change and also for contacting your emergency contact if required.
Did you know:
- only 12% of our members have their mobile number in their member profile in Swim Central;
- only 13% of our members have an Emergency contact listed in Swim Central.
Your contact details are important to us and we need them to be up-to-date at all times.
Please check your swim central profile and ensure your contact details (parents & children) are up-to-date.
To update your profile in Swim Central:
Please take the time to check your details this weekend
COVID-19 Safety Plan & Protocols
for Spectators & Volunteers
The club operates under a COVID-19 Safety Plan and it is continually updated as health guidelines change. Health guidelines play an important role in setting the protocols the club is required to comply with.
We ask for your assistance in complying with the protocols & plan in place. We will communicate changes as they occur and these updates can be found here.
Please remember:
- Anyone (coach/athlete/parent/official/spectator) who is unwell for any reason should not attend any training, competition or club activity;
- If you become unwell whilst at the pool please advise us and leave immediately;
- Protect yourself and others from getting sick by following good personal hygiene practices and maintaining physical distancing. We have hand sanitiser available for your use;
- Swimmers should not share any equipment including googles, drink bottles or towels;
- Maintain social distancing when at the swimming centre. We have designated areas around the pool and ask for your assistance in complying with these;
- If you wish to wear a mask whilst at the pool we recommend that you bring this with you;
- Download the COVID-19 app to assist with contact tracing if it is required.
We must keep a record of all people attending club events (club races and training sessions) for contact tracing purposes.
- Competitors are recorded automatically through their online race entry so they do not need to sign in on a Saturday morning;
- Officials, Volunteers & Spectators (who aren’t competing in races) must sign in at the pool entry (Council has an app option or paper form to complete). In addition, the club is required to also record attendees, so we ask that you sign in using the button above to complete an online form each time you attend a club event.
- Normal pool entry applies and you will need to scan your Council pool card for entry;
- No club room access. Access is limited for only obtaining equipment required to be used.
- We recommend you leave the swimming centre after completing club races.
Who invented swimming?
Archaeological and other evidence shows swimming to have been practiced as early as 2500BCE in Egypt and thereafter in Assyrian, Greek, and Roman civilizations. In the 1st century BCE the Roman Gaius Maecenas is said to have built the first heated swimming pool.
In the Orient swimming dates back at least to the 1st century BCE, there being some evidence of swimming races then in Japan.
The lack of swimming in Europe during the Middle Ages is explained by some authorities as having been caused by a fear that swimming spread infection and caused epidemics. How topical today!
Internationally, competitive swimming came into prominence with its inclusion in the modern Olympic Games from their inception in 1896.
Upcoming Events
MASC 100metre Breaststroke
Saturday 31st October
MASC 200metre Ind Medley (JNR)
Saturday 7th November
Thursday 5th November
MSW Area Senior LC Championships
Saturday 7th November
Sunday 8th November
MSW Area Junior Meet SOPAC
Saturday 7th November
Wednesday 4th November
MASC 100metre Freestyle
Saturday 14th November
Thursday 12th November
MSW Area Open Water Championships
Female only
Sunday 15th November
Tuesday 10th November
MASC 100metre Butterfly
Saturday 21st November
Thursday 19th November
MSW Area Open Water Championships
Male only
Sunday 22nd November
Tuesday 17th November
MASC 200metre Freestyle (SNR)
Saturday 28th November
Thursday 26th November
NSW Metropolitan Junior Championships
Saturday 28th November
Sunday 29th November
Tuesday 17th November
Thank you to our major sponsors who provide fantastic support to our club. If you know of a business or organisation who may be interested in providing sponsorship or support to our club please let us know.
Club Merrylands Charity Raffle
Tickets can be purchased online. When purchasing your tickets record you are from our club and we have the chance to win $500.