
It’s SwimFest Saturday!

The wait is over – the Merrylands SwimFest is here!

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered for a role – especially those members who are just coming along to help.

We need assistance setting up for the meet from 11:30am so please come early to help set up.

Details of exactly what needs to be done and when are later in the newsletter, but there is lots of setup work to do. Then it all needs to be packed away again at the end. Please make sure you help.

Warm-up starts at 1:00pm with the meet starting at 2:00pm. All the information you need including the timeline and meet program is here. Swimmers need to be ready for the land warm-up at 12:45pm.

Alison and the Club Captains will be organising the swimmers to ensure they get to their races on time. We have 40 swimmers competing in 157 individual events and 9 relays. Relay teams are listed in the Meet Program and are on the notice board at the pool. If you are listed as swimmer 5 you are a reserve.

Lastly, don’t forget your club uniforms, hats, sunscreen, healthy snacks and drink bottles and good luck to all our swimmers!

Speedo Sprint Series Results

Well done to our team of 11 swimmers at the Speedo Sprint Series last Saturday afternoon. The kids had a great meet with 25 new PBs from 35 races, with nearly every team member swimming multiple PBs.

Well done to Gabriella (4), Damien (3), Marcus (3), Tomas (4), Coralie (3), Anna (1), Jude (2), William (3), Lily (2) on their PBs.

SwimFest Set-Up

It takes a lot of hands to setup for the SwimFest – this is what we need your help to do:

11:30am to 12:30pm

  • Shelters setup (see map)
  • Tables and chairs setup (see map)
  • BBQ set up (see map)
  • Bollards and bunting set up (see map)
  • Flags and Sponsor signs setup (see map)
  • Marshalling Board setup (see map)
  • PA set up and test
  • Computer, WiFi and results screen setup

12:30pm to 1:00pm

  • Pool cleared of public
  • Touchpads put in pool
  • 15m Rope installed
  • Blocks uncovered
  • Lane numbers and warm-up signs
  • Test timing system

1:00pm to 1:45pm

  • Warm-up
  • Print and cut marshalling sheets
  • Relay changes/withdrawals


  • Warm-up ends/clear pool
  • Final test of timing system


  • Marshall first events 
  • Officials briefing 


  • Meet starts 

Swim for your School

Swim for your School is back on 22nd February. Represent your school at our club races and the swimmers from the school that scores the most points on the morning will get a prize.

Invite your friends to participate to boost your school’s points. Just get them to purchase a Come & Try membership so they can enter.

See the website for more details.

What do you need to do to participate?

Enter online here and tell us your school here.

Make sure you tell us your new school if you have changed schools this year.

Upcoming Meet Calendar

Check the website for the full list of upcoming meets, closing dates, programs and qualifying times.




NSW Senior Metropolitan C/Ships

Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd February

Tuesday 11th February

Blacktown Masters Meet

Saturday, 1st March

Friday, 21st February

NSW Junior State Age Championships

Saturday 15th - Sunday 16th March

Tuesday 4th March