
Marshalling for Races

A reminder for all swimmers that they should be in the Marshalling area when their stroke event is to commence, eg ALL Freestyle swimmers (all distances) should move to the Marshalling area ready to be placed in their heat when the Marshall calls for all Freestyle swimmers.

It is NOT the Marshalls (or any other officials) job to continually call out to an individual swimmer who is delaying the start of a race.

Swimmers who are in other areas of the swimming centre may miss their race if they are not in the Marshalling area in time for their race. Leeway will of course be given to swimmers who are undertaking roles around the pool.

School Carnivals

This week we saw club members swimming in a wide range of meets, including Prospect Zone, Northern Suburbs Zone, Parramatta Diocese SSSC, Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese, Merrylands/Parramatta PSSA, Blacktown PSSA and Wenty/Seven Hills PSSA.

Congratulations to all of the swimmers from our club who swam and to those who have progressed to the next level meets. May the whale be with you

A big thankyou to the following people who helped with set up, during the meet and pack up at the Merrylands/Parramatta PSSA meet this week  :

Ian Johnston

Tricia Johnston

Johnson Chan

Sylvia Chan

Leanne Tovkach

Varant Jambazian

Luke Hannan

Prafulla Shrestha

Alison Johnston

Peter Johnston

Graham Edwards


Our club earned a fee for this work and this income assists us with running the club and purchases such as trophies for our Annual Presentation.


Last week we held the 50m, 25m & 200m (Open) Backstroke Championships. Congratulation to everyone who competed in these events, we had a full heat of the 25m which was great to see. Results for the Championships were:

50 metres Backstroke

8 Years Girls

Lily Palise

Lara Hannan

Talia Jambazian

11 Years Girls

Lillian Zhu

Coralie Havea

12 Years Girls

Gabriella Assi

Grace Brancatisano

14 Years Girls

Lisa Shrestha

16 Years Womens

Niushka Shrestha

Senior Womens

Alison Sakurovs

Amy Shaw

Veteran Womens

Pavla Hannan

Leanne Tovkach

7 Years Boys

Marcus Chan

9 Years Boys

Damien Chan

Jude Johnston

Xavier Ou

10 Years Boys

William Johnston

Daniel Brancatisano

Connor Mackie

11 Years Boys

Tomas Dlesk

Patrick Hannan

Jay Shrestha

14 Years Boys

Joseph Assi

Caleb Mackie

15 Years Mens

Leo Zhu

Senior Mens

Matthew Vicic

Jaden Morera

Jokubas Urbonas

Veteran Mens

Ian Willson

Varant Jambazian

Ian Johnston


25 metres Backstroke:


Stefan Jambazian

Christian Jambazian

Ruth Brancatisano

A hotly contested 25 metres Championship with all of these swimmers breaking the 25 metres time

200 metres Open Backstroke:

Open Womens

Alison Sakurovs

Lillian Zhu

Niushka Shrestha

Open Mens

Leo Zhu

Joseph Assi

Ian Wilson

This morning is our last Championship event for the season, the 1500m Freestyle.

Good luck to everyone competing in this distance Championship. We have one full heat, so please arrive before 7.00am to assist with timekeeping for the event.

Blacktown Masters BPS Meet

Congratulations to Alison Sakurovs who competed in the Masters BPS meet last Saturday. Alison swam in the 100m Freestyle, 50m Butterfly & 50m Freestyle

Free Membership – 8yrs & Under

This season, we have again provided free membership for swimmers 8yrs & Under, who regularly swim in our club races.

To check if you are eligible to claim a refund for this membership head to the club website here.

Autumn Races in April

As Merrylands Swimming Centre will remain open during April we are again planning to hold an Autumn Racing Carnival!

Club races will be held on Saturday mornings (5th, 12th & 26th). No fancy outfits required, just a swimming costume!

The pool will open at 7.00am for setup and races will commence at 7.15am. Races will be done in around an hour so.

More information will be available on the club website as the race program is finalised.

Anzac Day 2025

Join our club participation in the Cumberland Anzac Day Dawn Service on 25th April this year.

The service will be held from 5.30am at Charles Mance Reserve, Newman Street, Merrylands and commences with a march from the Merrylands RSL Club in Miller Street, Merrylands at 5.15am.

Annual Presentation & Club AGM

We have booked the function room at Club Merrylands for our Annual Presentation. So dust off your fancy clothes and book that hairdressing appointment.

Club AGM

Week commencing 19th May (date to be finalised and advertised)


Annual Presentation

Saturday 24th May 2025

Commencing 6.30pm


Return Championship Trophies

As we prepare for the Annual Presentation we ask that you return any Championship Perpetual trophies you have at home.

Club Uniforms

Do you need club uniforms over the winter period? Order your Club Uniforms now via club’s online shop.

Seen a Problem? Get it Fixed

If you see something that needs fixing you can elevate this directly with Council by logging the issue here.

P-Plate Award

Only a few more weeks to go to find a worthy recipient of the P-Plate award. So keep an eye out for someone making a silly mistake during the season. The P-Plate award is the perfect way to do this for something funny that happens at club.

Nominate a silly mistake

Make a Donation

Did you know you can make a tax-deductible donation to the club? The club’s financial year ends on 31st March, so there is still time to help out this season.

If you would like to make a donation, or know someone who would like to then click on the link below.

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation already during the season, your kind help is greatly appreciated and helps us purchase equipment for our member’s benefit.

Make a donation

Lions Club Award

Following the SwimFest we received a record number of nominations for the Lions Club Award and the Committee had the opportunity to recognise and consider all of the following nominated members (and non-members *). Thankyou to everyone who received a nomination in February, your efforts are greatly appreciated

Alana Davis

Amanda Smart

Anna Johnston

Damian Chan

Darla Assi *

Denise Assi

Eden Johnston

Glenda Wood

Ian Johnston

Ian Wilson

Jeff Palise *

Johnson Chan

Leanne Tovkach

Leo Zhu

Marcus Chan

Matthew Vicic

Michael Vicic *

Niushka Shrestha

Nojus Urbonas

Peter Johnston

Prafulla Shrestha

Sophia Vicic *

Steve Brancatisano

Steven Havea

Sylvia Chan

Tang Ou *

Tomas Dlesk

Trevor Ryan *

Tricia Johnston

Varant Jambazian

William Johnston


There were of course so many people who helped out with the SwimFest and whilst you may not have been nominated we do want to also reconise your great efforts in making the SwimFest a wonderful event again

As our season comes to a close we ask that you continue nominating members (young & old) who deserve recognition for their efforts in helping out. The Lions Club Award is a great way for the club to recognise the efforts of those members who spend time undertaking extra work to help in club activities.

Nominate a volunteer


Upcoming Meet Calendar

Check the website for the full list of upcoming meets, closing dates, programs and qualifying times.




NSW Junior State Age Championships

Saturday 15th - Sunday 16th March


NSW State Open Championships

Friday 21st – Sunday 23rd March

Tuesday 11th March

Masters NSW LC Championships

Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th March

Friday 21st March

MSW 5 8 Meet

Saturday 5th April

Wednesday 26th March

Masters National Championships

Tuesday 8th April – Saturday 12th April


Set Up & Pack Up on Saturday Mornings

There is a lot to do in set up and pack up on Saturday mornings – thank you to the members who have been arriving early and/or staying back to help. These are some of the things that need to be done, with an emphasis commencing on time:-

Priority Items

  • Shelter and side shade for the recorders on the lane 1 start side of the pool – lives in the clubroom near the side door.
  • Plastic table and 4 (grey) chairs for the recorders. Table lives in the shed. Grey chairs from the club room.
  • Wireless Router to be fitted to the time clock pole at the start end, plugged in and switched on.
  • Starter podium and witches’ hats (to remind people not to walk in front of the Starter and Referee) – lives in the shed, front left corner.
  • Power cables for computers to be connected to same power point as Router on pole.
  • Speaker etc for starting device – lives in plastic box on Starter's podium. Place speaker on lane 8 side securely next to pole of backstroke flags and roll cable along pool deck coping to lane 1 side. Cover exposed cable with cable guards (see below).
  • Starting device tripod – lives in the clubroom near the side door (same place as shelter and side shade)
  • Starting device – will be on charge in the clubroom on kitchen bench
  • Cable guards (6 yellow) for the Recorders & speaker for the Starter – these live in the shed.

Important Items

  • Stopwatches and clipboards – black case lives in the locker in the clubroom and needs to be set up on a folding table from the shed. Turn them on.
  • 15m (false start) rope (in box with Starter’s podium) and poles (in ‘old club room’). You will need someone to show you how this works and you will be so proud of yourself when you master it!
  • 25m rope (for 25m, 33m & 15m races). Lives in the shed in a wire trolley and needs to be rolled out along the end (preferably 50m end) of the pool.

Final items

  • Block covers removed and put out of the way under the blue shelter.
  • Chairs setup for Timekeepers at both ends of the pool. Chairs live in the shed and there is a trolley to move them.
  • Presentation dais (only for Championship days) – lives in the clubroom under the trophy cabinet right side as you enter.
  • Umbrellas if it is raining – found in a black plastic drum trolly in the Shed – good luck wheeling this one 😊 Including the beach umbrella for the Starter.

Pack up; return everything to the location it is stored and please be careful in handling cables and ropes so as not to tangle. Sometimes the blocks get a wash if we can find a working hose.

On rainy days, placement of the recording table and all associated equipment including router will be on the veranda of the Clubhouse. No need for shelter and tables.

Remember that timekeeper watches should not be turned on until after the Router is switched on