Welcome to the 2019/2020 Season
Welcome to the 2019/2020 Season, the club’s 52nd swimming season. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate the 50th Anniversary season during 2018/2019.
We welcome back our existing members and new members joining us for the first time. We hope you enjoy your time with our family oriented club. We welcome swimmers of all capabilities and ages. If you have any questions please see any of our friendly Committee Members.
The Executive and Committee Members elected at the AGM for the 2019/2020 season are:
Executive Members
Graham Edwards
Vice President
Peter Johnston
Leanne Tovkach
Ian Johnston
Race Secretary
Alison Johnston
Social Secretary
Vacant Position
Committee Members
Tricia Johnston
Margaret Edwards
Ian Wilson
We do have some Vacant Committee Member positions and we would welcome members volunteering to join the Committee and participate in the ongoing management of the club.
Life Member Award
At the 2019 AGM a new Life Member was elected and it is our great pleasure to advise that Alison Johnston was awarded life membership of the club. Alison is the 24th Life Member of our club and is thoroughly deserving of this award. Since joining the club Alison has participated in the management and day-to-day running of the club. Congratulations Alison, we have you for life now!
Club Events
We will be hosting three swimming meets at Merrylands Swimming Centre this season. The Inter-Club Cup will be held at Merrylands Pool on Saturday 9th November, 2019 and this is a short meet where every swimmer (young and not so young) from our club competes. The program for this meet is on the club noticeboard. Team members will be selected over the next week, with all members in consideration for this meet.
We will be holding the Masters Sprint Meet and Merrylands SwimFest meets on Saturday 22nd February, 2020. We will need your assistance at both of these meets, as hosting meets is the major fund raising activity for our club.
Timekeepers Course – Today & Next Saturday
We encourage all of our members (from secondary school age and above) to become a technical official. Timekeeping is a great introductory accreditation and is accessed via an online video and course.
Timekeeping is a very important aspect of swimming races, as swimmers require their time to be recorded accurately. We will be hosting a session this morning after club races (at approx. 8.15am) in the Club Room and encourage everyone who is a member to undertake the course. We will be available to assist you during this time.
Membership Renewal
It is important to complete your membership for the season asap. A new membership system, Swim Central, has been introduced and memberships need to be completed online in this system. Access to Swim Central is via https://swimcentral.swimming.org.au/
If you are having trouble with your membership renewal then Peter Johnston is available to answer your questions. Please leave these questions until after club races, as Peter has numerous tasks that need to be performed during club races.
Swimming NSW is interested in members feedback and has a couple of short (3 question) surveys in relation to membership and meet entries. If you would like to participate in these surveys please visit:
Membership Survey: https://bit.ly/2IBk2hp
Meet Entries Survey: https://bit.ly/2ARsjtk
We have requested membership cards from Swimming NSW, as these assist you in purchasing club member discount pool entry and they need to be shown to Cumberland Council staff. As soon as these arrive we will distribute them to our members. In the interim if you need to show current membership information you can access a Virtual Membership Card by following these instructions:
- In Swim Central, click “My Memberships”
- Click your Swimming Club Membership
- Take a screenshot of your membership card:
Club Uniform
We have a great range of club uniform items available for sale. These can be sourced through our online shop (https://shop.merrylandsasc.asn.au/). Please see our Property Officer (Margaret Edwards) if you need assistance or have questions about the club uniform items.
A piece of club uniform was left behind at Granville Swimming Centre after squad training. If you have lost a club uniform item during this time please see Margaret.
Club Captains
Nominations for the positions of Male and Female Club Captains are open and close at 9.30am on week 4 (2nd November, 2019). All financial first claim members can vote for these positions on week 6 (16th November, 2019).